Card final ROH Best in the World ’15

Hoje a noite acontecerá o PPV  ROH Best in the World ’15 e o card para o evento é:

Champion vs. Champion
– ROH World Champion Jay Briscoe vs. ROH World Television Champion Jay Lethal c/Truth Martini

NO DQ for the ROH World Tag Team Championship
– The Addiction (c) vs reDRagon

ROH World Champion #1 Contender’s Match
– “Mr ROH” Roderick Strong vs. Moose vs. “Unbreakable” Michael Elgin

- The Kingdom (Adam Cole, Michael Bennett, Matt Taven) c/ Maria Kanellis vs. Bullet Club (AJ Styles & Young Bucks)

- Matt Sydal & ACH vs Adam Page & BJ Whitmer

- Donovan Dijak c/ Truth Martini vs. Mark Briscoe w/ ODB

- Dalton Castle c/ The Boys vs “The Last Real Man” Silas Young

- War Machine vs C&C Wrestle Factory (Caprice Coleman & Cedric Alexander)

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